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(703) 218-4144
Office Location
9844-A Main Street,
Fairfax, VA 22031
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About Us
Welcome to SmileVA. We are a unique dental practice providing you personalized one-to-one care at our office in the heart of Fairfax City, Virginia. We highly value establishing relationships with our patients by focusing our undivided attention on you and your dental needs in a warm and caring environment.
Dental appointments can create anxiety and worry, and we work hard to make your visit as comfortable and pleasant as possible. We help patients understand their dental health and develop individualized treatment plans to create, work towards and achieve total dental wellness. We are committed to providing you our best service using the latest technology and materials that will result in a beautiful smile and the finest that dentistry can offer. We offer comprehensive care for all ages and welcome NEW patients.
New COVID Safety Protocols
Mona Bhaskar, DDS is open and seeing patients! Here’s an overview of our new COVID safety protocols:
We have instituted a new texting program that allows patients to stay in their car when they arrive and call or text our office to notify us. We will then notify the patient by calling or texting when the treatment room is ready. Patients must wear a mask in the office per the governor’s executive order. Patients should come with their own masks. They can expect to be greeted at the front of the office by a staff member who will provide hand sanitizer. Temperatures will be taken with a touchless thermometer. Patients will then be taken directly back to their treatment room where they will complete a questionnaire. At this time, non-patients coming with patients are limited to ONE necessary guardian.
The doctor and assistant will be wearing enhanced levels of personal protective equipment (PPE). This includes the use of face shields, KN95 and level 3 masks and scrubs with disposable surgical gown. For the foreseeable future, we will not be using the cavitron which vibrates and sprays out water.
We have removed all magazines from the waiting room area. We will clean each treatment room thoroughly before and after each patient. We will alternate treatment rooms as we give the ample time for aerosols to settle. We have a cleaning service that comes in each day, thoroughly cleaning the entire office. Hand sanitizer is available at the front desk and in common areas.
Temperatures will be taken of the doctor and all staff members, as well as patients prior to treatment. We have a touchless digital thermometer.
All patients will be asked a new set of questions when confirming over the phone and upon arrival to the office. Patients who answer yes to any of the screening questions will be asked to reschedule their appointment.